The Definition Of Freedom In The United States

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Pages: 6

What is freedom really? Where does it come from and where did it begin? Does it really exist, or is it just something we have been taught that exists? There are many different definitions for the word freedom in the dictionary, however each individual person, home, state and country around the world have one definition for it. The definition for freedom will also vary for each person based on the interaction, experience, and commitment of a person. However, the proper definition in our dictionary has several different meanings for freedom (1):
• The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. • Exemption from external control, interference, or regulation
• The power to determine action without
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The two words that it originated from were “Fre” or “Freo” meaning exempt from, or not in bondage, and ”Dom” a suffix meaning kingdom or general condition.
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As far as in the United States the term freedom can vary in many ways. To begin with, it is a privilege we receive when we are born as a citizen not earned, as it has already been fought for. There are five main areas (2): freedom to religion, freedom to speech, freedom of want, freedom from fear, and freedom to bear arms.
Our freedom of religion is the one I value the most out of the five listed here. It is the right to believe and worship any form of teaching, practice of an individual or community, and we are able to do this in public or in the privacy of our own homes. With this freedom of religion however we are not allowed to push or force another to believe what we believe, we only have the right to share our beliefs with others.
Our freedom to speech allows us to voice our opinions, and stand up for the things, people, or beliefs we stand for. There have been many individuals such as: Frederick Douglass,
Mary Beth Tinker, and Martin Luther King, Jr. that have fought for all of our rights to
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Our needs such as adequate food, our livelihood, productive work, and to be able to provide for ourselves or family.
The freedom from fear and to have the feeling of safety should definitely be a treasured one. The feelings of being safe from harm can include so many things. If we are a parent it can include our children to be able to go to school, and be safe from the time they leave their homes in the morning till the time they return later in the day. It is for an individual to be able to go to work in the morning or late at night without being concerned of another day such as the sad, devastating day of 9/11. It even could include a family or individual being able to drive down the
Clinkscales 3 road and not have to worry about another individual disobeying the law and through their recklessness, cause an accident that could take everyone’s life.
One of the huge fights right now for freedom is our right to bear arms for protection.
Guns can be used for multiple reasons, it can be used for protection, recreational, or as a hobby.
In a child or young adult, freedom can be as simple as being allowed to go to a friend’s house for the night, or go on a vacation with friends. To a mother or father it could be a night