The Devil's Arithmetic Book Report

Words: 478
Pages: 2

When I first heard the title “The Devil’s Arithmetic” for the book we would be reading and the movie we would watch, I thought it would be about demons, maybe even some kind of math equations. But then when we started reading the book, it was so much different than what I thought it would be. I was shocked to find that it was a story based on the nazies treating the jews like property. As we read deeper into the story, I started to learn a lot about the awful times that the jews went through. I think I felt a little bit like Hannah, the main character in the story, who quickly changed her perspective when she was put back in time and experienced what jews had to go through with the nazies.

In the novel, Hannah has brown hair and brown eyes, and when she goes back in time, she becomes Chaya. In the movie, Hannah has blue eyes and blonde hair, and keeps the same name when she goes back in time. The novel showed a less violent appeal the situation as apposed to the movie. In the book hannah has a brother named Aron. In the book, Hannah (as Chaya) meets Rivkah in the concentration camp. Rachel, Yente, and Rosemary which are Hannah's friend are not in the movie, but In the book.
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In the movie her brother Aron does not make an appearance like in the book. There is no seder in the women's barracks. But in the movie, in order to make Rivka feel better after her mothers death Hannah does a