The Digital Parent Trap Analysis

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Pages: 2

Author, Eliana Dockterman, in her article “The Digital Parent Trap,” exposes potential benefits of technology use among young people. Dockterman persuades her readers by stating important reasons on how the internet or devices provided at school and at home can be dangerous due to cyberbullying etc.. , there is also a huge percentage increase every time. Eliana Dockterman closing argument is for the students to not feel the need to take advantage of the technology being given to them. Dockterman believes that adults and teenagers should limit their time on the screens.
For instance, in the text, Eliana Dockterman persuades the readers and parents to technically not rely on school technology all the time. For example, the evidence that supports this claim is “The less time spent with the screens, the better”. This shows
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Eliana Dockterman also persuades her audience by listing constant scientific studies on how sitting while watching tv, or being on any devices causes obesity and many other problems. Evidence that supports this is “They’re no longer limited by what’s offered in school, early tech use has cognitive good benefits as well.”
Assuredly, the brain can sometimes get tired of always looking at the screen and it causes problems by the students being exposed this early. The author persuades her readers by saying that too much time can mess you up as a person within time. “That thinking stems from among other things, reports about the rise of cyberbullying.” This sentence persuades the readers to be careful online because lately there have been many cases of bullying all over the world whether it’s online or in person. Students are on another mentality that they aren’t aware what's going on behind a screen or outside in the real