The dog Essay

Submitted By dejadavidson
Words: 548
Pages: 3

A revolution, used in the historical sense, is an overthrow of a government by those who are governed. Political revolutions consist of either complete change from one constitution to another, or modification of the existing constitution. Many revolutions have occurred throughout history in different places, at different times, and with different people; but nearly every revolution has the same components yet conclude with various outcomes Revolutions are mostly caused due to a shared issue between the commoners and the people. This issue can vary between anything such as taxes being too high, improper education, or discrimination; but the usual foundation consists of the basic needs of those governed not being met, or the prolonged violation of basic human rights. Revolutions usually start off with a small group, and can spread slowly or quickly. Revolutions usually have a single leader or a leading group. These people come to power by exploiting the issue and appealing to the general public. With the support of well devoted, and willing followers most revolutions end in the key issue getting resolved, or it can end in complete disaster resulting in even more issues. A revolution, used in the historical sense, is an overthrow of a government by those who are governed. Political revolutions consist of either complete change from one constitution to another, or modification of the existing constitution. Many revolutions have occurred throughout history in different places, at different times, and with different people; but nearly every revolution has the same components yet conclude with various outcomes Revolutions are mostly caused due to a shared issue between the commoners and the people. This issue can vary between anything such as taxes being too high, improper education, or discrimination; but the usual foundation consists of the basic needs of those governed not being met, or the prolonged violation of basic human rights. Revolutions usually start off with a small group, and can spread slowly or quickly. Revolutions usually have a single leader or a leading group. These people come to power by exploiting the issue and appealing to the general public. With the support of well devoted, and willing followers most revolutions end in the key issue getting resolved, or it can