The Effect Of Gregory Boyle's Tattoos On The Heart

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Pages: 6

Recently one of my husband's colleague son was affected with marijuana drug. He is a high school teenager, and he was forced to taste this drug by friends. He was a victim of this drug for few weeks. Luckily his parents came to know about this in few days, and with the help of local police and doctors treatment was done on time to get him back in right path. Drugs, Gangs and Violence are the major problems. Gregory Boyle the author of "Tattoos on the Heart" is a Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy industries. Over the past two decades, Gregory has been helping poor people in the gang capital of world Los Angeles. He decided to serve poor people in Bolivia, so he decided not to go to Santa Clara university to run their student service program. …show more content…
Scrappy is a drug dealer and a gang member, and he was in jail from past ten years. Gregory met scrappy first time in the summer of 1984, at Dolores Mission church, when Scrappy has come to complete his hours of community service. Five years later Gregory met scrappy again at Cuko's funeral. In Cuko's congregation Gregory advised everyone to work for peace and love even for the enemies. Scrappy got angry with Gregory advise and exits the church by the side door. Three years later Gregory was patrolling the projects at night in Scrappy's barrio. Gregory found Scrappy and other gang member having a fight, and he tried to stop the fight. As the author mentioned in his book Scrappy points a gun at Gregory and says "I will shoot his ass too" (33). At this time, Scrappy was in a fixed mindset this relates to the Dweck's article, "Brainology."In her article, Dweack explain fixed mindset people think their basic abilities are limited and they never work hard to learn new things. After this incident Scrappy came to see Gregory in march 2004, in his office. Scrappy felt bad about his past behavior and he would like to change his path, he wants Gregory to help him to find a job. Gregory offered him a job in Homeboy industry as a graffiti crew. At this time Scrappy changed his mind to growth mindset and started working to improve his skills this relates to the Dweck's article, "Brainology." In her article, Dweck defines Growth mindset people want to work hard and make no mistakes. Scrappy was gunned down at Boyle heights with in few months of his employment in Homeboy industries. The past was hunting