The Emperor's New Groove: A Character Analysis

Words: 153
Pages: 1

Friends will always think of other people before themselves when they make a decision.They can think of how their choices can affect you negatively or positively.For example, in “The Emperor’s New Groove,”the emperor, Kuzco is planning on building a summer vacation home on top of a hill, where a village stands.The leader of the small village, Pacha, tries to talk to Kuzco so he can build his getaway somewhere else.Kuzco denies to having it made somewhere else Meanwhile Yzma, an old lady that is trying to overthrow Kuzco, turns him into a llama.Yzma has Kuzco thrown into the middle of nowhere and ends up in the village where Pacha helps him get back home and turn back into a human.Although Kuzco never helped Pacha, Pacha still offered to help