'The Essential Man' By Robert Ebert

Words: 600
Pages: 3

I love my mother and my entire family because they mean the world to me they make life worth everything. They mean the world to me because I grew up my entire life loving them and I have connections with them that I can’t have with anyone else in this world. How would other people in the world value the lives of my family do they place a value on them or not. How do people base a value on a person's life? Is it the amount of money a person makes or is it the personality and morality of a person? This will vary between people as in some will base it on their wealth and others will base it on their personality and morality, but is this the right way to place a value on a human life. No one can place a value on your life only you can decide that because it is, your life not anyone else's. …show more content…
The value of life is equal because we all have the same rights and we can all do the things that other people do. In the article “The Essential Man” Robert Ebert was a man who had to suffer from cancer but was still able to do the things he loved like review movies. Although having a disease that took away his ability to speak didn't make his life less valuable than another person who is completely healthy. He continued his life as a successful movie critic even though he was different, his life still had to mean and most importantly he had a purpose in life. Robert was even given his own star; the first non-actor to receive such high