Submitted By knats
Words: 823
Pages: 4

Kitt Tolliver Prof. Dev MBA 525 SPR1 2015


“The responsibilities of an organization describes its respect for society’s interests, as demonstrated by taking ownership of the effect its activities have on key constituencies, including customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the environment, in all parts of its operations” (Argenti, P., 2013). Of those constituencies we will focus on its ethical responsibility to its employees.

“Some things never change. Although semantics are altered from time to time and from decade to decade, the real battle line remains the same: the clash between self and others, or profits and ethics” (Kim, Emmett & Sikula, 2001).
How does this play out in today’s business? Does management place profits before their employees? Does the employee put themselves before the organization? It should be equal, they both are responsible for one another for the common goal of making their organization successful. Most organization today want to be politically correct focusing their attention on shareholders and customers but ethics are more important than profits. The organization should not lose focus on their employees, making sure ethics has a place in their organization. The bridge between the organization and its employees are the managers.
“Managers play a vital role in the success of an organization, they are in a position of leadership. A good manager has the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor, which binds a group together and motivates it towards it goals. Managers should cultivate this quality and realize that the best way to instill ethical principles and ethical awareness in their company is through example” (Okoro, 2014). Managers should be commitment to excellence and showing their commitment should have an effect on their employees. Having that moral philosophy to be able to instill that concept in those that work for them. Where they’re conduct in the workplace will reflect those of their manager. Employees should take responsibility and be accountable for their ethnical conduct, the same as the organization should take with their employees.
Ethics should form the foundation of the organization’s mission.

Most organization would like to hire employees that have the ability to make good ethical decision while on the job. An employee with proper work ethics normally has the following attributes, they are honest, trustworthy, have integrity and are loyal to the organization. But the most important attribute they can possess is respect for their co-workers. A good ethical employee is never misleading or deceiving they do what’s right, even when no one else is around. If you could just have one person with the proper ethics it could bring a complete change to a department within the organization.

Employees with great work ethnics are usually more productivity and trustworthy.
That means when they clock in they are there to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. They are on time they are putting in a full day’s work. They are