The Ethics Of Ebola Vaccination

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Pages: 3

To live in a world where resources have become limited and we turn to science to answer questions we have yet to answer, some of those questions remain a mystery. Ebola has been a raising concern to many individuals worldwide. The major concern now is the ethics behind the human vaccine testing and if this method is really the smart route. There are a variety of factors that can determine if this method will be a step towards an advancement of medicine or just another fall for mankind.
Ebola is a disease that has been around for a while (Peters). Therefore, the audience being targeting on this topic would be those who are concerned with the Ebola outbreak currently occurring in Africa as well as those who think the Phase I of the new vaccination
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This year alone the outbreak has hit many natives to Africa. This will continue to concern many populations in the world due to animal migrations such as birds. West Nile was originally founded in Africa before it was found in the United States and caused major chaos when people started dying off. Therefore, many people such as myself who are concerned with this disease migrating with the birds would agree that something other than just quarantine needs to be done. As to which concept will be best, I believe that there should be further studies to be conducted on animals before even sacrificing the life of a perfectly healthy human being. There have been studies conducted by doing genome mapping stating that there are few individuals whom carry the Ebola disease as normal flora (CDC). Possibly this study could be the break through vaccine searching specialist are looking …show more content…
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