The Exception To The Rulers Summary

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Pages: 7

Book Critique for Goodman’s The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Loves Them In the book that I, Amanda Brooke Harrison, read, The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Loves Them, author Amy Goodman with the help of her brother, David Goodman, suggest that the elite of the nation use and abuse their powers by means of lies and manipulation with no opposition because the media that only seems to report in support of these leaders. These actions create a “silenced majority”, a large population of political opinions that are unheard, among the United States of America. The two specifically account the wrongs behind 9/11, but also relate that event to similar situations in history. Amy Goodman is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now! a critically acclaimed podcast and broadcast that can be found on stations across the nation. She also has received many awards for her work …show more content…
Amy and David Goodman only display the bad in leaders and media besides Democracy Now! This lack of analyzing the opinions of both sides of America almost contradicts that the authors are shaming media for only finding opinions that portray leaders how they please. At some points the book almost seems as if it is only an advertisement for Amy Goodson’s podcast and show. If opposing opinions may have been incorporated in small capacity the book would have overall be improved and less hypocritical. Pages 118-123 are full of citations to stories covered by Democracy Now! only. In no way do I mean that an entire chapter should have been dedicated to the opposing opinion. Everyday Americans easily buy into the “ignorance is bliss” mentality sold by the media. The entire meaning of the book may have been lost if too much of the opposing opinion had been