The Fault In Our Stars Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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Pages: 4

There are many differences between the novel, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and the movie version of the novel. Even though there are many similarities, there are a few key differences between the two. Throughout this paper, we will discuss these differences.
A key difference in the novel is Hazel’s best friend, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is a key part in the book because she is the person that Hazel talks to about Augustus. At first, Hazel does not mention Augustus at the mall to Kaitlyn. This is explained by Hazel’s quote, “three years removed from proper full-time schoolic exposure to my peers, I felt a certain But unbridgeable distance between us”. This shows that Hazel doesn’t open up to Kaitlyn right away because it seems she feels she needs to pull away and be distant because she feels she is a grenade and wants to lessen the amount of people she hurts when she dies. In chapter six, Hazel opens up to Kaitlyn with her boy problem about Augustus. In the movie, hazel does not have a person to talk to about Augustus because Kaitlyn is not a character in the movie. Having Kaitlyn in the book helped the readers
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She played a significant part in the novel. Gus talks to Hazel about how Caroline’s emotions were effected by her brain tumor. He explains how she would make fun of the fact that he only has one leg. So when Augustus tells Hazel about Caroline, she becomes hesitant about wanting to have a relationship with Augustus. She is hesitant because she does not want to hurt him when she dies, like Caroline hurt him. The reason Hazel asks Augustus about Caroline in the book is because she wanted to know that Augustus was going to be okay if she died. At the end of chapter eleven, Hazel tells Augustus that she does not ever want to hurt him the way that Caroline did, but he reassures her that it would be a privilege to have his heart broken by