The First Pipell: The Verdimillious Charm

Words: 280
Pages: 2

The first spell is called the Verdimillious Charm. It is pronounced as ver-duh-MILL-ee-us and when it's used as a defense you'll have to move your wand forward in a slashing motion that ends with your wand pointed towards the target. Green sparks or electrical energy will shoot out of the wand that explodes around the target and surrounds them with the discharge. That will cause a slight pain, a stinging sensation, for the opponent. After using this spell, you immediately have to use another spell or make sure you can escape the situation.

If it's not used as a defense, it can illuminate the room by waving your wand in circular motion above your head (make sure you're not aiming your wand at anything). Green light will shoot out of the wand