The Five Factor Personality Test Essay

Submitted By BerryJeanne1
Words: 885
Pages: 4

The Five Factor Personality Test (FFPI) examines five different domains including Extraversion versus introversion, Agreeableness versus antagonism, Conscientiousness versus negligence, Neuroticism versus emotional stability, and Openness versus closedness to experience (Buchanan, Johnson & Goldberg, 2005; Trull, 2012). This specific test has received research and empirical support. According to Clark (2007) the FFPI corresponds with both normal and abnormal personality traits, and is also broadly established. Results of FFPI Test My scores on the FFPI were fairly accurate. My scores for the first factor, extraversion indicates that I am average. My score of 32 signifies that my personality reflects someone in the middle of extraversion, high energy and introversion, quite. On the second factor, agreeableness, I scored relatively high meaning that my personality reflects trusting, friendly and cooperative (Buchanan, 2005). For the third factor, conscientiousness, I scored a 42 signifying that I am well organized and dutiful. For factor four, neuroticism, I received a relatively low score or 16 indicating that I am more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress as opposed to being insecure (Buchanan, 2005). For the last factor, openness, I scored a 22 which is relatively low. This means that I am more down to earth and less imaginative and creative. I believe that this test showed precise dimensions of my personality. However, I also believe that personality is a reflection of the situations we are placed in. For example, although it is true that I do not find creativity as one of my strongest characteristics, I do believe that I seek out educational experiences in many circumstances. Both characteristics are categorized in openness. Personality is extremely complex and intricate. For example, an individual who is sociable like me may consider themselves talkative, however these two traits do not always have to occur together. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2001) personality traits are displayed through social and personal circumstances related to how individuals distinguish and relate to themselves and their environment. Thus, different situations may cause personality to alter accordingly. While I certainly believe my results to be an accurate representation of the person I am, I also consider some of them to be changeable. Two Influences That Impacted My Personality Development My personality has been impacted and changed over the years because of experiences and lifestyle. Many studies examined the degree of which personality changes, the time periods where individuals are particularly prone to change, and reasons for change such as maturation, social demands and experiences (Specht, Egloff, & Schmukle, 2011). One influence that affected my personality was my lack of relationship with my father. During this time of adolescence, I was emotionally unstable most of the time with feelings of negativity and distress. However, once I got a little older I realized that I didn’t need to continue to feel sorrow over something that would never change. Eventually, my personality changed from emotionally unstable to stable as shown in my results of the FFPI. This occurred when I began to find more long lasting relationships. Another influence that impacted my personality development was joining a sorority in college. Before I joined I was less social and out-going. The relationships and positions I held within the sorority allowed me to change my interactions. Being a role model and leader for 50 women forced me to become more cooperative and trusting. These characteristics are a part of factor four, agreeableness. Perhaps it is a common time for young adults to change