The Forest In Harper Lee's The Raven

Words: 775
Pages: 4

In the beautiful forest, Flora lived many different species that were all independent, until a power hungry Raven wanted to unite them all and have them under his control. The Raven was a crucial leader, during his reign of five hundred years over the forest. The Raven controlled them, making him powerful as he had taken over many of the bird's territory. Through this he had the upper hand and was able to dominate each of them. His power and reign spread throughout Flora and many other places. The Ravens reign lasted until the birds started to demand their independence to which many of them started to rebel as a way to show action. With the birds taking action, the powerful reign of the Raven started to fall, leaving him to be in control of his own territory. The forest Flora became divided among itself that all the species of the forest became independent now. However, there was a rise of conflict going on with the Hummingbird, Falcon, and Eagle. They all were very powerful and cautious over their territories, but the Falcon species thought that they were better than the rest in which resulted to them wanting to take over the territory of the Hummingbirds. The more power they had, the stronger the Falcon would be seen among the fellow birds even if it meant taking over the Hummingbirds territory. After everything that had happened, the forest was destroyed, and the Falcons wanting to make that their territory wasn’t the best decision. The Hummingbirds were independent and unique from the rest and had a …show more content…
They didn’t take into consideration that many were getting harmed, like baby Hummingbirds, and Hummingbirds that would be traumatized by what was happening and always remember the Falcon for hurting them. Many of the Hummingbirds sought help from their stronger friends, the Eagles. The Eagles were ready to fight with the Hummingbirds in order for them to be