The Formula Of Credibility: Competence, Caring, And Character

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Pages: 2

The Formula of Credibility is a vital element of being a positive reinforcement within an organization. Personal credibility is made up of the 3 C’s: Competence, Caring, and Character. Each is as important as the other, and consequently, these work together in preventing a leader or employee’s credibility to be compromised, (Cardon, P., 2013).

“Competence is the element of ability, skills and a track record of a person’s success, (Cardon, P., 2013)” Any representative of an organization should essentially have an ability to perform, to set goals, and envision these goals to play out to completion. Leadership must guide the group by developing a plan, executing that plan, and constructing a commitment together with the team players to be accountable and held responsible to make ideas happen. This type of trendsetting is seeking one’s full potential and a successful future, (Carrillo, R. A., 2002).

Caring is how well people understand the interests and needs of other people, (Cardon, P., 2013)”. Having the ability to care about others in their personal and professional lives instills a trusting behavior with fellow colleagues and leadership. One wants to be effective at developing relationships and nourishing those relationships in and out of the office. If a person does not have this quality, he/she must incorporate
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A person’s character, whether a leader or a team member, is crucial to creditability. Developing a character of trustworthiness and ease will produce transformation for a leader and team as well as the entire organization. Advancing in character also paves the way for future opportunities with other teams and collaborations. If an organization or individual contributor is unsuccessful at building character, all will cause disappointment in collaboration with other teams and other organizations (Rosas, J., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M.,