The Future Essay

Submitted By ashboo1234
Words: 328
Pages: 2

Anthony Russell
P-3/ Mr. Miles
In the future, the world was attacked twice by aliens called Buggers, and almost destroyed. To make sure the world was prepared for the next battle they would have to face, the world came together with the decision to collect and train people at their early child hood and train them to become military geniuses to lead the world, and help it be prepared for their next battle. These people have one goal in life, and that is to be the leaders of the army that defeats the aliens and defends earth from what will be the “Third Invasion”. Ender, the main character, is one of those children. Also there is Andrew Wiggin’s, whose birth was authorized by the government. Families, in the future, are only aloud to have one child, but in this case, his birth was requested by the government. Throughout his life he was made fun of and tormented by his extremely smart older brother Peter, but on the other hand he was loved by his older sister. Ender was recruited into the army after passing a great amount of tests, and quickly rose to the top becoming one of the best in battle school. While he attended battle school various people had very different feeling about him. The adults pushed Ender with a great amount of urgency that they are willing to break the entire Battle School system down to get what they are pushing for. The last Battle School he will attend consists of all games. There is a fantasy Game, a game room (similar to an arcade), and