The Great Gatsby Dbq Essay

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The Great Gatsby and Only Yesterday Have very similar themes, the 1920’s. The Great Gatsby reflected America in the twenties, how so? Bad manners, nouveau riche, I am business was religion. The Great Gatsby reflected disillusionment which lead to bad manners. “Disillusionment, can be defined as loss of faith in one's values and ideas”.(Document A). In Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby, Daisy feels cynical and thinks everything's become a terrible.(Document B). “That house party of flappers and their wide-trousered swains left burning cigarettes on the mahogany tables,”(Allen).(Document A).Nick attends one Gatsby’s parties finding that he was one of the very few invited and that his guest’s behavior was “associated with an amusement park”(Fitzgerald).(Document B).(Documents A,B) Not only that The Great Gatsby reflected nouveau riche or newly rich. These “newly rich” wanted to gain wealthy culture etiquette, “There was an epidemic of outlines of knowledge in the books of etiquette for those who had got rich quick and wanted to get culture quick and become socially at ease.”(Allen).(Document C).Gatsby gives Nick and Daisy a tour of his mansion, he has a book shelves full of books that “have pages and everything.”(Fitzgerald). (Document D).”For nearly seven years the prosperity band-wagon rolled down Main …show more content…
“[T]he association of business with religion was one of the most significant phenom a of the day….”(Allen).(Document E). Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby introduces the eyes of a optometrist, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. They’re blue,big and posted on a billboard.(Document F). “No intelligent person believes in God any more,”(Allen).(Document E). After Myrtle is killed her husband speaks nonsense to Michaelis of her fooling God but she isn’t fooling him and that God sees everything. Michaelis points out that he is referring to the billboard of business as God.(Document F). (Documents