The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Questions And Answers

Words: 569
Pages: 3

How did Mrs Fairfax turn out to be?
Answer : She turned out to be a placid-tempered, kind-natured woman, of competent education and average intelligence.

Why was Jane writing?
Answer : She was writing to tell the truth and to destruct the concept of paternal egotism.

What was the name of Jane’s pupil ?
Answer : Her name was Adèle.

Who were the other members of the household ?
Answer : Their names were John, Leah and Sophie.

What did Jane do the day Adèle was sick ?
Answer : She walked 2 miles to post Mrs Fairfax’s letters.

What was the name of the village where she stopped during her uphill walk ?
Answer : Its name was “Hay”.

What were Bessie’s tales about?
Answer : They were always about a North-of-England spirit called a “Gytrash”.
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Answer : She believed it was an incident of no moment, no romance, no interest ; yet it marked with change one single hour of her monotonous life.

How did Mrs Eyre felt towards going back to Thornfield Hall?
Answer : She didn’t quite like the idea of going back to her usual activities since such unusual things happened to her that day.

What happened at the end of chapter 12 ?
Answer : Mr. Rochester arrived to Thornfield.

How did Adèle called Mr. Rochester at first ?
Answer : She called him “ mon ami, Monsieur Edouard Fairfax de Rochester” .

What was necessary for Jane to do when she first met Mr. Rochester?
Answer: She had to change her froc, put a brooch and fix her hair up.

What did Jane compare the owner of Thornfield to?
Answer : She said he looked and acted like a statue.

What did Mr. Rochester tell Jane that made her blush?
Answer : He said to her that she was sophisticated and clever.

Where did Jane and Mr. Rochester met before and why didn’t she recognize him?
Answer : Mr. Rochester was the traveller Jane helped before and she didn’t realize it until he removed his hat.

Why was the master astonished when Jane showed him her portfolio?
Answer : He felt as if Jane could talk to him through her