The Great Gatsby Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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The book The Great Gatsby is altered in each movie made about it. The 1974 version does not give a “true” image of the characters and the 2013 version goes off script to “build tension”. Both of which were not in any way terrible unless you had read the book. The biggest issue is that both movies is that of the character choices. Jordan Baker, for example, was characterized completely different in the movies than what was stated in the book. The most prominent difference from the book to the movies is Jordan’s attitude towards Nick. In the book, she is described as this high-class golfer who always had her nose up. To enhance her character in the movies, she had a flirtatious attitude towards Nick, who she barely acknowledged much in the book. Her actions in the book also made it seem as if she was a compulsive liar, which is not really shown in either movie. The scene where she left the car top down and it being rained on was completely removed from the scenes, in which the movies avoid it all together..
The second reason that Jordan isn’t portrayed well in the movies is that of her look. Her look in the book was that of a professional golfer which should be seen as somewhat of an athletic build
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Jordan Baker could be considered a large minor character in the novel, but without knowing of her from context, you would never know that from the movies. Maybe her role didn’t appeal to the producer of each movie as much as others may see it, even if she helped build up the story line. Her character can almost go unnoticed in the movies while it can not be avoided in the book. Jordan’s attitude and actions are staged so differently in context from the movie, that it is hard to understand why the producer changed it. Neither one of the movies give a good representation of Jordan Baker, but it’s all for show, so who cares about the