The Gym Changed Me Research Paper

Words: 643
Pages: 3

The greatest wealth is health. You can have all the money in the world, but with bad health you won’t be able to enjoy it. Millions of Americans are dying every day due to bad health, they have been raised on fast foods and unhealthy habits. I, myself am also guilty of indulging on oleaginous foods. A greasy and fatty burger and straight cut sea salt fries with a medium sprite is my kryptonite. I soon realized I was going down the wrong path, it was a path leading to extensive number of health problems and fat rolls. I was determined to change, I stumbled upon a place called the gym and it changed me. The gym helped change my life style, and it changed me as a person. The first day I stepped foot in my gym, I could smell the testosterone in the air. It was filled with sweaty and cut off wearing gym rats. Their zealous facial expression, as they were struggling to wrestle those 100 pound dumbbells, it intimidated me. As they lock out of their last repetition, they vigorously slam the dumbbells on the rubber matt, making a thunderous THUMPING sound. It sounded like Thor slammed his hammered on the ground. …show more content…
I warmed up with just the bar, I could feel the blood rushing through my chest and triceps. It was a sensational feeling, because it made my muscles feel plump, then I cranked it up and loaded 25 pound plates on each side. The clanking sound of the metal plates was music to my ears. After loading the plates in position, I had a mental check list of everything I had to do. Hands a little wider than shoulder width, check. Shoulders retracted and elbows in, check. Feet planted and little arch in lower back, check. Then it was lift off, I slowly lower the swaying bar down to my chest, I could feel every fiber in my chest ripping apart. I repeat this for 3 sets of 8 repetitions. My chest and triceps were overfilled with blood rushing into