The Help Movie Analysis

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Pages: 3



“The Help” is a movie that talks about how African- American maids in the South look and treat their employees. It is being aware to everyone on how they treat their employees because in this movie there is a gap between a maids and a white women’s. The maids in the movie wasn’t appreciated by some despite of their skin color and because they are Black people. To the point that they need to have a special restroom for the black people. However, Aibileen who is a nanny in a movie treat as good as possible. She is taking care of two girls and she is like a mother also who is so attached to them. In some point we are different on how to treat others like hilly who is a very social climber. She’s a lot of friends
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The two maids who work to the different white women convince by Skeeter to express their experience and share their story on how they feel being a black people and why not a white women. There a big division between the white people and black people. In the movie white women is very classy and very socialize while the other is black people who tend to be maids. As a result of that we need to be loved and show love to others even if they hate us. We need to be kind and understanding enough of what other due to us like the black people who is taking advantage by the white women. We are talented in every aspect, but act like a women. Also we need to express our feeling and fight for what is right. In some point of our lives there is a friend who want to help us and in this movie she is Skeeter who is very independent women. And want to express the stories of others like the stories of black people. Feminism is what they are experiencing on the movie. They need to have an equal rights another is they are experiencing of being descriptive to black people and white people. Along with the movie there is a sisterhood who will help you and listen to your stories even if you have a problem. And be there as family. There is a racism in every country and that can make you sad because