The Hero's Journeys: The Journey Of Christopher Columbus

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Pages: 5

“No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” Christopher Columbus was known as an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. Throughout Christopher’s life, he lived in Portugal and went on many expeditions, His first expedition started during his teenage years. Christopher is known for the things he accomplished in his early life, his career, and how he contributed to the world.

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic Of Genoa. Starting early in his life he found interest in exploration and went on his first expedition in the year of 1471. In this expedition he almost lost his life as his boat ran into a group of French
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Columbus had many contributions to the world. For example during one of his voyages Columbus believed that reaching India and China would be more easy if he found a way to get around the Muslim-dominated trade routes of the Middle East. He believed that sailing west across the Atlantic would be an easier way to reach Asia. Columbus begged and pleaded the Spanish court until monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand funded his expedition in 1492. He eventually reached the Bahamas after sailing for 36 days, and he claimed the new territory for Spain. He continued his voyage and discovered Cuba and Hispaniola, otherwise known as Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Columbus believed he discovered Asia, and he returned to Spain to give a report of his findings. He embarked on another voyage the following year and discovered additional islands in the Caribbean. He discovered the Orinoco River, which is in modern-day Venezuela, during Columbus third voyage. However, his settlements in the Caribbean crumbled, and he faced complaints and revolts from the native populations. The monarchy had Columbus arrested, and he was stripped of his official titles. However, he convinced King Ferdinand to finance his final expedition, and he tried unsuccessfully to secure a passage to the Indian Ocean in 1502. Columbus never found a new route to