The Holocaust: Cause And Effect Of The Holocaust

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Pages: 3

The Holocaust was a very horrible time in history. Between 1933 to 1945 9 million jews died in camps held by the nazis. The German nazis burned and gassed the jews just because of their religion. Hitler did this to the jews because he wanted purity with only his religion. The holocaust was a horrible time in history that everyone should know about. Reviewed by: Jeremy 1/26 8:33 a.m.
Effect of the holocaust
The holocaust was the mass murder of lots of innocent Jews. When the holocaust ended the american and russian soldiers went into the camps to find dead bodies, and people suffering from starvation/disease. After the holocaust many of the jews that survived went back to their former homes they lived in before. But After the Holocaust
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They tortured the jews by drowning and put them in gas chambers left to die and put them in smoking ovens. But the largest concentration camps called Auschwitz didn't need ovens or gas, They set the jews afire instead. The jews slept in mud, whoever found a piece of wood to lay on felt like a king. Not all the people in the camps died from the nazis, Some died from diseases and other causes. Killing the jews for the nazis became an obsession that they did daily. Nathan 1/ 30 8:20
Where and when was the holocaust
The holocaust started in 1933 and ended in 1945 when hitler committed suicide. Where the holocaust happened was in most of poland and germany. There were six main camps were the jews were killed. They were called, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz and Majdanek.Auschwitz was the largest camp that killed the most jews, 3.5 million jews were killed only in these camps. Nathan zeka 1/31 2017
The holocaust was a really bad time in history, which impacted the jewish religion. There were many effects of the holocaust. Hitler wasn't a good man and his tortured and killed the jews. The nazis and hitler killed 3.5 million jews in the camps and 9 million jews in all. In conclusion the holocaust was time in history that impacted people very much.

Word cited
Berenbaum, Michael. “Holocaust”. World book encyclopedia. Chicago; library