The Holocaust: The Dehumanization Of Jews

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Pages: 3

Jews went through spine-chilling situations and inhumane conditions. The Jews were treated like they weren’t a living thing. They were hurt and abused by soldiers in the camps. The Jews were dehumanized by the inhumane conditions and brutal treatment they faced. One way the Jews were dehumanized was they weren’t treated like a human being. For example, the Jews were thrown into fires and were burned alive, dying a very slow and painful death.”children thrown into the flames” (Wiesel 135). They were burned like it would not hurt them and it would not be painful although it was. Also, the Jews were thrown around in crowded groups, yelled at. They were all treated like a large group of cattle. “Cargo. They were cargo” (Sereny 141. The Jews were definitely treated inhumanely and were treated like useless objects. Jews were not thought of as a living being so they were hurt and treated uselessly and unfairly. Clearly, the Jews were not treated like human beings in the camps. \ Another way the Jews were dehumanized was they were not cared for and were abused. The Jews were beat with a bat every …show more content…
The Jews were had all their belonging taken away and were all dressed the same and were made to look the same and were identified with a number (Spiegelman 54). They didn’t identify the Jews with their names or personalities they were just identified with their numbers (Spiegelman 62). The Jews couldn’t even talk with their own family members. They were separated from most of their family members like they didn’t belong to anyone. “the moment I left my mother” (Night 133). The Jews were torn apart from their families and treated like they didn’t have one and they were not emotionally connected with them. They were treated like they had no emotion. Undoubtedly, the Jews were dehumanized by having their identities taken away, being dressed the same and pretending they did not belong to