The Importance Of Appearance In The Minister's Black Veil

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Pages: 2

Why is it that your appearance is your first impression of someone else? In the Minister's Black Veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne, His main character was a reverend named Mr. Hooper who wore a black veil to either conceal his sins from the world whilst admitting to them or letting the public know he can see their biggest regret through the veil. I believe that he had his own personal regret that he was letting the public see that there wasn’t anything to be ashamed of. Nobody wants to atone for their grave sin(s) in life. But the key to redemption is being honest with yourself. In spite of my biased opinion, Article One by Angie Fullin states "The veil worn by Mr. Hooper, the minister in "The Minister's Black Veil" is a symbol for the sins …show more content…
"Reverend Mr. Hooper wore the black veil to symbolize secret sin; this veil represented how everyone has something in their heart that no one knows about." which is located in Article three written by Searis West. This quote was generic and was speaking in general about sins. We began reading this story not knowing what Mr. Hoopers sin was. We the audience were assuming that he had committed adultery with the woman who had passed away early on in the story while being engaged. He passed away with the veil still on him. And when the people tried to take it off of him, He ascended and told them he was going to keep it regardless. For the simple reason that Hooper was just trying to protect his own secrets not try to have everyone bring up theirs. " The black veil was simply Hooper's admission of his own humanity, that he was not a perfect, sinless being." in article 3, they were basically admitting that everyone has a sin even Mr. Hooper ;some people are more open with it than others.
In conclusion I believe that Mr.hooper was not trying to bring everyone sins out but to bring his own regrets .His veil; It symbolizes everyone's sin and because of the veil, he can now see everyone's sin/ insecurity . He put the fear of God in the