The Importance Of Choices In Richard Bach's One

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Pages: 2

Richard Bach’s One is a novel that will challenge readers and make an individual question life’s choices and how life would be different if those decisions were not made. After completing this book, it is suggested that everyone has a copy in their library. It’s not only the great story line behind the book that makes it so enjoyable, but the themes and messages that are portrayed throughout the novel. There are three main themes depicted amongst the story; learning, the impact of choices, and the importance of bringing love and peace, instead of hatred and manipulation into the world. Learning is an immense theme, that is shown by both main characters Richard and Leslie Bach, as they view past experiences in a parallel universe. Learning is a contributor to survival in this alternate world, and in order to survive one must discover aspects of themselves, by learning what would happen if they had taken different paths in life. Most times Richard does not feel the need to learn, whereas Leslie wants to continue learning. A line expressed in the book by a minor character named Violet …show more content…
Many choices are made throughout the story, that allow the reader to focus on the decisions they have made in past life experiences and how life would be different if those decisions were never made. Richard Bach stated; “Every choice is made in the uncaring blind, no guarantees from the world around us”. This quote is vital as it explains that choices made by an individual are not always acknowledged, and the world around us is not there to tell us what we should do or not do. Leslie and Richard Bach, the two main characters of the novel realize the impact of their choices and how their decisions made them the people they are today. Throughout their trip they experience how life would have been if they had chose a different decision than the one they did in previous