The Importance Of Family Heritage In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

Words: 623
Pages: 3

Most mothers do everything and all they can for their children. In Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use” she uses the literary elements symbolism, setting, and conflict to stress the importance of heritage. Two sisters want the handmade quilts that is a symbol of family heritage. Alice expresses her feelings about heritage throughout the story.Something such as a quilt that was handmade makes it special. Only dedication, time , and effort can resemble a quilt.
A symbol is when the author uses an object in the story to represent a greater meaning. The quilt is a symbol of family heritage that can only be valued by certain people. To someone who is not part of the family or knows none of the background about the quilt it would not mean anything to them. Basically the point in that is they will not value the quilt. Dee says, “ Maggie can’t appreciate these quilts!” (l. 238). Dee thinks that Maggie should not get the quilts because, she feels as if Maggie will use the quilts for 5 years or so and they will turn into rags. “She’d
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The conflict is in the different points of view regarding the value and importance of objects, specifically; preservation of heritage vs. everyday use. The conflict could be as simple as which daughter should get the quilts.mother hesitates as she is uncertain which daughter should have the quilt. Dee argues that it will just get used and she would provide it with protection as it hangs on the wall. It is Also a matter of preserve heritage or use it what it's made for.Mother says “I Promised to give them quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas.” (l.235-236) By giving it to her timid daughter she increases the daughter’s sense of self-worth. Momma snatches the quilts out of Dee’s hands and hands them over to Maggie but, not without telling Dee to pick out one of the other