The Importance Of Mandatory Voting

Words: 455
Pages: 2

America is described as the “Land of the Free”. But how free are we if we are forced to vote? There has been some debate recently on whether voting should be mandatory and seen as a necessity. However, being made to vote is a violation of the U.S. Constitution, along with The Bill of Rights. Americans, who are acknowledged for their freedom, should have the choice to vote voluntarily.
Americans should have the preference on whether or not one should vote. With voting being necessitated could result in many random voters voting against their will (text 2). Maria Gratschew stated “it has been proved that forcing the population to vote results in an increased number of invalid and blank votes compared to countries that have no compulsory voting laws”(text 2). Being made to vote also violates the First Amendment, which states there is a freedom of speech (Text 3). If our country is ran off of freedom, then we should act upon as it is.
Making the right to vote mandatory not only violates our first amendment, but it violates our personal rights as well. Gratschew states “beings voting is not a necessary for life, people may feel that making us vote would be violating citizen’s freedom” (text 2). This is beings that every US citizen is entitled to their own
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William Galston states that mandatory voting would eliminate intense partisan polarization and disparities (Text 1). However, voting is sought to be a personal opinion and should not be forced upon one’s rights (Text 4). ”Voting is not an intrinsic obligation and the enforcement of such a law would be in an infringement of the citizen’s freedom associated with democratic elections” (Text 2). This quote directly states that making a person vote would inadequately violate a citizen’s freedom. Even though being made to vote seems ideally and politically correct, it’s not. American’s should be free and have freedom on whether or not to