The Importance Of Organized Activities In Young Children

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Pages: 2

As a parent of three children, I stongly believe the benefit of organized activities plays a very valuable role leading into their adult lives. I belive it teaches children not only dedication, commitment and responsibility but also teamwork. Having children play sports or do activities that require them to not only count on their teamates but to know their teamates count on them is in my opinion, a great life lesson. Another great supporting idea is, they have to learn to work with peers whom they wouldn't normally choose to play with, opening up an avenue to the possobility of a life long friendship. On the contrary, they would also learn to get along with a teamate they don't nessecarily like or speak to outside of the activity. They will be able to use that lesson in every aspect of their adult life. Adolescent health experts such as Janet Collins makes a great point that organized activites are not only fun, she believes they help children develop healthy attitudes towards themselves not only in the present but also in the future. It will help children to take pride in what they have accomplished throughout the years of playing on a team. To see how far they have come from when they began playing to how they play years later. …show more content…
It's a great opportunity for you and your child to have some bonding time outside of the organized activitie. Such as, throwing a baseball or football around with your child just for fun. Maybe discussing what he or she could work on to better their performance or what their favorite part of the activity was. All in all, I believe organized sports will help to teach your child to become a better adult and prepare them for the real