The Importance Of Risks In Beowulf

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Pages: 3

How will you know is the right decision if you never make it? Risks take an important role in our lives, they make our lives worth living and our stories worth telling. Accepting our risks leads to success and takes us from the ordinary world to a new perspective of life where we become a stronger person. Only those who are intrepid enough to go far and risk everything, know how far it is possible to go.
To begin with, life is full of obstacles where risks have to be taken in order to overcome future problems in life. In fact, as illustrated in the story of Beowulf, "They have seen my strength for themselves, Have watched me rise from the darkness of war, Dripping with my enemies’ blood. I drove Five great giants into chains... Now Grendel and I are called Together, and I’ve come. Grant me, then, Lord and protector of this noble place, A single request!". As can be seen, Beowulf fought with many monsters before Grendel and now he is ready to face other risks which shows how they makes us powerful and motivate us later in life to face our fears.
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In other words, my father was living in Pennsylvania where he couldn’t find a job. He had struggled for months until he heard about an opportunity in Texas. They asked for an interview but my father could barely afford a plane ticket and he also had to stay in a hotel. He took the risk of spending his last pennies for an interview that later on gave him a job that now he is proud of. Certainly, risking everything can lead to a place where you’ll have more than what you asked for. It’s important to push yourself and pursue your dreams no matter the cost