The Importance Of Self-Efficacy In Nursing Practice

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Pages: 2

Self-efficacy is an important concept in nursing because it is a main determinant of behavior (Bandura, 1982, 1986, 1993, 1997b). People with a sense of self-efficacy believe in their ability to successfully achieve their goals (Bandura, 2010, 1997a). Self-efficacy plays an important part in how individuals feel, think, and act (Bandura, 1997a). In order to provide high quality, safe, effective, and appropriate patient care, nurses need to believe in their ability to perform the tasks necessary to achieve positive outcomes in practice. A nurse’s knowledge, competency, and skill level affect every aspect of patient care. According to Chang and Crowe (2011) a nurse’s confidence or lack of confidence in their ability to deliver safe, quality …show more content…
A variety of studies used interventions like simulation, practice, hands on training, and other educational techniques to improve self-efficacy in nurses (Chang & Levin, 2014; Jacobson et al., 2010; Jeffries et al., 2010; Macyk, 2011). Knowledge, nursing experience, years of practice, professional certifications, and several other variables found to impact self-efficacy in nursing practice were examined in other studies (Ganz, Toren & Fadlon, 2016). Many professional nurses lack a strong sense of self efficacy and confidence as it relates to practicing nursing (Kennedy, 2013). A lack of self-efficacy may happen in nurses who don’t have the chance to practice clinical skills on a consistent basis (Chang & Levin, 2014). A decrease in knowledge can also happen because it’s not relevant or needed in their current area of practice (Chang & Levin, 2014). A variety of nursing specialties and populations, like nursing students, have been used to research self-efficacy, confidence, and clinical skill. Bandura found that a nurse’s performance may be related to their level of self-efficacy (Bandura,