The Importance Of Setting In 'Barn Burning'

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Pages: 3

Select three assigned stories from the chapters in this module and write a paragraph on each of about 100 words describing the main characters using the vocabulary from the book (round, flat, dynamic, static and their motivation) and the importance of the setting. Don't just describe the setting. Explain whether the story is dependent on the particular setting or whether it could have happened anywhere during any time period
The Yellow Wall Paper is a short story in which the narrator explains how a young woman’s decline into what they refer to as a form of madness or insanity after the birth of her child. Most people refer to this type of behavior as post partum depression. Her husband John does not believe that she is ill but still decides to prescribe the “rest cure” treatment for her. The family ends up spending the summer in an old colonial mansion. This is where she is confined to bed rest upstairs in a former nursery where she is forbidden to work or write. There are several themes in this short story. First, through the eyes of the narrator, we see her decent
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Harris’s barn. Sarty Snopes, the young boy, does not want to have to lie. After the Justice and Mr. Harris excuse Sarty from court he was met outside by a kid who knocks him down and calls him “barn burner”. The Justice bans the family from their county. Sarty’s father feels he was on the verge of betraying him. He hits Sarty and tells him that it is important to stand by your family. There are many themes in this story. For example, there is judgment, youth, family, courage, justice and choices. Choices are a recurrent theme throughout this short story. It begins and ends with a decision to make the right choice. No matter the era, age or area in which one lives, situations like this are more common than