The Importance Of Weights

Submitted By jenika0107
Words: 306
Pages: 2

wanted the criteria or weights changed because their preferred candidate didn’t get the highest score using the existing formula. When we changed the weights in various ways, a different candidate among the top three received the top score. The remaining three candidates received lower ratings every time. Dr. H always received the lowest score, usually around 12 on the 25-point range.

After almost two hours, the associate dean turned to one committee member and said, “Dolan, I sure would like to see Dr. H in your department receive this honor. He retires next year and this would be a great honor for him and no one has received this honor in your department recently.”

Dolan agreed, “Yes, this is Dr. H’s lasuld feel very honored by this award.”

I sat there stunned at the suggestion while Dolan retold how Dr. H had been active in public service, his only real strength on our criteria. I was even more stunned when another committee member, who I think was keen to finish the meeting, said, “Well, I so move” and Dolan seconded it.

The associate dean, who was conducting the meeting, said, “Well, if the rest of you think this is a good idea, all in favor say aye.” A few members said “Aye,” and he quickly proceeded to explain what we needed to do to advertise the winner and arrange the ceremony without calling for nays.

During my conversations with other committee members over the next two weeks, I learned that everyone—including the two who said “Aye”—were as shocked