The Impossible Knife Of Memory Analysis

Words: 554
Pages: 3

The Spanish author Don Miguel Ruiz once said, “People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.” He is trying to say the conflict is not a dispute between the good and the evil. Actual conflict is caused by people not telling the truth and lying. This many times in the book, The Impossible Knife of Memory. Hayley, who is the main character of this book, creates conflict by lying to people in order to hide the truth. Then there is Finn who lies in order to keep self-esteem up.
Hayley mostly lies to protect herself and her father, Andy. An American veteran that served in the Midwest and is now home with PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. In order to escape his ‘demons’, he drinks a lot of alcohol and does drugs. Anderson states, “My dad’s sick, I said. You can’t stay here” (Anderson 174). Hayley said this after Gracie came over asking to stay at her house. The reason why Gracie wanted to stay over is some family issues back at her house. The reason why Hayley said no is because
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When he is first introduced into this book. He is very innocent, hardworking student. He does not lie to hide the truth from anyone. Everything eventually comes out in the open. But, he does create conflict with himself by lying to keep his self-esteem up. Anderson states, “Few people know this, but I am a trained assassin” (Anderson 50). This is clearly a lie, he wants to make himself sound like this really cool person and impress Hayley. When in reality, he says this to the twins that he babysits. This later results in more and more lies to build his profile. None of which work. The origin of conflict comes from lies to protect or hide the truth. Hayley does this a lot in order to protect her father and her own secrets. Finn lies in an attempt to build, his self-esteem. Which does not work as Hayley sees right through it every single