The Influence Of Civil Rights: Rosa Parks

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Pages: 4

“The government is best which governs the least”(Thoreau). Yes, it is acceptable to go against the government under three conditions. The first condition is that the laws are unjust for some citizens. An example of this would be Rosa Parks. Parks did not stand up against the government because she was angry towards it, but stood up against it because it was discriminating against the African American race. The second circumstance is unequal pay. Lately the government has been exposed to how it has been paying women less for unisex jobs. The third and final circumstance is when the government does not protect its people or its people’s rights. Not only did Rosa Parks stand up for her rights, but helped propel the Civil Rights Movement to show that unequal rights creates an unequal country. The first circumstance - Unfair rights - was shown vividly from Rosa Parks. Although Parks is very famous for the actions she made, she is not the only one who stood up for her rights. Claudette Colvin also refused to give up her seat on a bus because she felt as though the rights were unfair. This is a perfect example of all ages realizing that the government does discriminate against …show more content…
Rosa Parks is also a great example for this subject. This is because Parks stood up for her rights when the government was not protecting them for her. Another example of this would be Sam Lovejoy. Lovejoy was a physicist who decided it was time for him to stand up against the government to protect the people in his town. “The first time I saw the tower, I thought ‘Oh, oh, someone’s gonna knock that thing down… I decided I would knock it down.”(Lovejoy). Although Lovejoy’s step against the government was very large, it had an even larger impact. Parks and Lovejoy are perfect examples of how the government may put its citizens at