The Influence Of Cursive Handwriting

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Pages: 6

Cursive Handwriting – Part Two Cursive handwriting is losing popularity in schools across the United States. Currently, over eighty percent of public schools in the United States do not require cursive handwriting to be taught (Amos). What happens when we lose the ability to read old family journals, maps, census records, and the history of the birth of our nation? Learning cursive handwriting is good for brain development in young children, and connects synapses that would not be linked otherwise. However, with advancements in modern technology, mainly handwriting recognition computer programs, has it become outdated and wasteful of our most precious resource—our time? Cursive handwriting is the script most, if not all, historical documents …show more content…
Advancements such as this are being made in the field of handwriting recognition every day. “Historical cursive documents are already online and can be traced over so that plain text can be read while looking at the cursive underneath,” says Dr. L. Rob Furman, an elementary school principle writing for the Huffington Post (Furman). Furman also says, “Historically speaking, things change. We do not use rocks to write on cave walls, nor do we use the quill pen and ink to draft our notes. We do not read or write in hieroglyphics nor speak in Latin. Times change and so do the techniques to communicate (Furman). Another consideration Furman presents, is compromising on the issue of cursive handwriting being taught in schools as a fine arts course, similar to calligraphy (Furman). Many valid positions have been made on both sides of the cursive handwriting discussion, but it comes down to three main points; if cursive handwriting ceases to be taught in schools across the United States, we will lose the ability to read original documents important to our nation’s history and our personal family history. Cursive handwriting stimulates the brain and improves many of its functions that are not encouraged in any other way. On the other hand, has cursive handwriting become old-fashioned and out of date as handwriting recognition computer programs take its