The Influence Of Democracy In The United States

Words: 1388
Pages: 6

When talking about the advancement of democracy, democracy must first be defined. Democracy is a system of government in which officials are voted on by an entire population. The democracy, although is not all powerful, makes the laws for all of its inhabitants. It controls what people do in society and can be very influencing to the people, but people can also be just as influential to it. Throughout many years democracy has changed and grown but it is not done advancing yet. Many parts of society in the present day need to be set right through democracy. Although influenced by many things democracy must be advanced more because everything is not equal. One topic that has influenced democracy and still continues to influence it is gender equality. Gender equality is the parity of rights between men and women. Although some citizens of the United States of America don’t fully grasp the importance of gender equality it still continues to advance the democracy currently. It has also been advancing over many years because of people in society seeing …show more content…
Every single person in society either has had or has a family and ideas and norms of it influence future generations for decisions in democracy. A reoccurring example of this is the familial roles in the house hold. Many years ago women were seen as only being good at household activities which is one of the reasons why they are so underrepresented and are paid less than men. The standards that people put themselves in affect the democracy tremendously because most of society starts to view them that way. The advancement of democracy has shown that women now have more jobs compared to many years ago. They were once seen as incapable of doing anything other than cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their children but democracy has advanced that stereotype into women being capable of doing anything that they want to