The Influence Of History In America

Submitted By lafleurhal96
Words: 900
Pages: 4

The first thing to remember about history is that it is not simply about facts and dates, history helps provide a map that dictates to you as an individual and your society where it is exactly that you are going as well as where you are coming from. History affects the way we think, speak, and interact with each other. By looking at history, we see the way certain actions and decisions brought about events and what the consequences of those events were. Now hopefully we can use these to guide our decisions today to avoid the mistakes of the past, and help to create a better future. It can be debatable whether certain events somewhere along the chain of history in America changed it for the better or worse, although there has always been a way to improve upon mistakes to make for a better society in the future. As we citizens make everyday decisions as simple as what to wear, or decisions get as complex as the ones our president makes in the middle east, it all creates a story of events for future generations to comprehend, and although they could imagine how hard it could be to make decisions to legalize same-sex marriage, people can also agree that it helped for the future generations in the United States. In the beginning of World War II, there was much reluctance from US citizens for getting involved. Many people up till this day believe it was a war that tied up loose ends from World War I. It was a frightening experience for people the risk losing their loved ones going into the war, but Americans also had much pride for the soldiers that had to courage to fight another deadly war. The most deadly attack towards the United States was a naval bombing in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japanese had hopes of wiping out a naval base that belonged to the United States, but instead, surprise attacked and killed thousands of U.S. Servicemen, as well as citizens. The United States viewed this as a major offense, and insisted on fighting fire with fire, literally. Seen as the final standings of World War II, the United States created an atomic bomb to wipe out the towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Relating back to my previous stated opinions, this seemed as a disaster for US citizens in that era, but came as a learning experience for citizens of today’s society. As the United States disposed of the enemy of Japan, they entered into a feud with Russia over whom the supreme country was, further entering themselves into the Cold War. This war was never physically fought, instead it remained the cautiousness of the countries’, or the wait to see which country would drop a bomb first. Both countries made it clear that they had bombs, although it lingered on as a threat, rather than an action. Many people referenced this war as a chess game, it was the game that tests the wiseness of each country. As a result of being cautious of the opposing countries’ threats, the United States founded the Federal Civil Defense Administration. This organization was set up mainly for the purpose of putting minds at ease. It made quirky commercials and advertisements of its mascot, Bert the turtle. These commercials portrayed a turtle ducking and covering, in which you were instructed to do if a bomb were to strike unexpectedly. It also gave warning signs of bombs striking, such as a bright light flashing, or a siren would go off if the bomb