The Influence Of Setting In Montana 1948

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Pages: 3

People act a certain way than you think they should act. They act that way because that’s the way they are used to. We need to understand to accept them for who they are, and sometimes we don’t do that.The setting is a big influence on characters by their surroundings shaping them.
The setting in Montana 1948 the characters are influenced by the surroundings are custom to. They treat indians with no respect and bring them down, To let the indians know they are at the bottom of everybody else. In the book, David father talks about how indians are no good people. He says, “Nevertheless, he believed Indians, with only a few exceptions were, ignorant,lazy,superstitious,and irresponsible” (Watson, 22). David’s father is telling david how yes they may be good people. But that’s not what they all are.In there time period they they did not have the ideal respect for the indains becuase, their surronding shaped them to not like them. Not just in Montana 1948,there is hatred towards indians but in A River Runs Through It. In the scene, paul brings his indian girlfriend to a bar where she is not allowed. When they all order drinks, the waitress asked everybody what they want to drink except the indian women.
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In Montana 1948, uncle Frank's status was high ranked. As he was raping indian women, nobody would have thought it was him because he was a war hero and a doctor. the book describes uncle frank as, (Watson,24) “He was handsome-dark, wavy hair, a jaw chiseled on such precise angles it seemed to conform to some geometric law.” Because Frank was known as “top dog” he couldn’t possible be thought of rapping women. In River Runs Through It, Paul was known throughout the town. He was known as a heavy drinker. When Paul went to jail for heavy drinking, the whole town knew about his arrest. People couldn't believe that he went to jail, for being a well known, good