The Influence Of The Enlightenment On Culture

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Pages: 2

The enlightenment had a huge impact on the culture and the thought of the middle class and aristocracy. Scientific revolution played a major role in the creation of the world view of the Enlightenment. Mainly, there are three main concepts behind enlightenment and they are social science, progress and reason. Social science says that scientific method is capable of discovering the laws of human society and that of a nature, progress, says that the creation of better societies and better individual is possible, and Finally, reason says that the scientific method is capable of discovering the laws of human societies and nature.
After the American revolution, a group of influential intellectuals knows as philosophers in France claimed to bring the light of knowledge to its people. During the time, Enlightenment reached the maximum in France because at that time, France was the international language of the literate people in the eighteen century. Also, French people were free to openly criticize the church or state and third and finally, French philosophers attracted large and elite audiences. Many people were also influenced by the
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Enlightenment brought different types of changes in different nations. For example, in Russia, it brought many Domestic reforms like religious tolerance, education improvements and stable local government. In Prussia it brought legal reforms. In courts, Judges decided cases quickly and honestly obeying the law. Enlightenment also helped in the promotion of education, and provision of scholarships. In Austria, Enlightenment helped in agriculture by lowering the power of landlords and by giving peasants some freedom in taxes. All in all, absolutism helped in state building and in critical thinking, in many states in the European