The Influence Of Voting In The United States

Words: 542
Pages: 3

Specifically in European countries, in the beginning only the elite males could participate in government decision. In the early years of the United States only the white males who owned land could vote. Soon a white male suffrage occurred and then colored males could then vote. In 1920, women received the right to vote. In many democratic countries, they allow any adult to go vote, but many struggle to receive high numbers of voter. Making voting compulsory may lead less knowledgeable, bias or those heavily influenced by family tradition voting for something in which they don’t truly believe. In the 19th century only the elite males could vote, which they were the most educated in the political aspects of our nation. In present day there are many uneducated and ignorant people about politics. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to have a 30 second conversation with anyone about politics. I am not able to pick a side because I am not educated on both sides of the argument. Especially when it comes to controversial topics like same-sex marriage and abortion, which require lots of knowledge and understanding in order to make the correct choice. …show more content…
People like Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, and Amy Schumer are proud supporters of Hilary Clinton and devoted fan bases, when going to vote will most likely be heavily influenced to vote for Hilary Clinton, whether she deserves their vote or not. In 2020, many might vote for Kanye West even if they don’t know whether he is familiar with politics or ready to run the country. In these type of situations you will have forced voters choosing who they know rather than choosing someone because they truly believe they will be looking out for the common