The Inquisitor's Analysis

Words: 274
Pages: 2

The Inquisitor twists the meaning of Christ's three temptations in the wilderness. Speaking as if he (the Inquisitor) was Satan incarnate, using misled logic with a hint of the truth to turn Jesus’s faith and trust in God around. He did this to prove to people that Jesus did not do what we believed he came to do and was actually following Satan. How the story is told in Mathew 4: 1-11 in the bible that so many believe to be true is strongly misinterpreted by the Inquisitor in order to manipulate people view on the prisoner. In the bible Jesus is tempted three time by Satan; first, when told to turn stones to bread after he was hungry from fasting for forty days and nights, Secondly, on the top of the temple when he is told to throw himself off, and lastly, when he is told to bow down and worship satan. In each of these instants Satan tells him to do this if he is “the son of God” (Mathew 4:2) in order to prove himself. Each time Jesus responds “You shall not tempt the Lord your God” (Mathew 4:7). When the Inquisitor shares this story he manipulates the truth in order to make people believe that Jesus denied these things because he truly is not the son of God, therefore, God would not be able to help him had he given into these temptations.