The Island Of Dr Moreau Analysis

Words: 253
Pages: 2

My essay is going to be3 about the island of Dr. Moreau By: H.G.Well’s. It is about Edward Prendick finds himself shipwrecked on an island with Doctors Montgomery and Moreau. The follower of him, who just happens to be a mad scientist. Beyond these scientists, Prendick finds himself very weird out by the other inhabitants of the island, frightening man-animals created by Dr. Moreau.

Identity is an odd thing in The Island of Dr. Moreau, and at no point is it clear-cut. From the outset, Prendick has a difficult time telling the Beast Folk apart from humans. Even when everything becomes clear about what is going on, the internal distinctions get all confusing. Prendick begins to see bits and pieces of humanity in the fears of the Beast Folk.