The Kite Runner Syntax Analysis

Words: 482
Pages: 2

Hosseini uses unique sentence structures throughout the novel. With his use of syntax, the author tries to make sure that the readers can feel the pain and feel the tension of each scenes in his book. “He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper....Saw the resignation in it. it was a look i had seen before. it was the look of the lamb.” This is a very powerful piece of the story and very hard and painful to read. The consciousness of the sentences and sometimes lack of subject in the sentences makes it difficult for the readers to get through everything without having to stop every period. The sentences are so choppy that every time the reader stops, that discomfort in the reader's stomach …show more content…
Its very difficult to read without having the feeling to stop in the middle of it. One of Hosseini most often use of sentence structure in the novel is the use of short sentences without a subject or with long lengthy sentences to show a certain emotion or feeling in a certain scene of the book. There are short sentences that start the beginning of paragraphs or short sentences that end the paragraphs. The use of these short sentences are used to draw attention to the action happening in the story. In some cases, the use of short sentences gives the book a more choppy feeling. It also creates suspense and makes the readers want to keep reading.