The Leap Character Analysis

Words: 503
Pages: 3

The topic I have choose to write about is how minor charters are necessary for the plot to move the story along and in doing so play an important role. The story I have choose to provide as evidence is The Leap. The reason I have choose this story is there are some excellent examples of minor characters pushing the plot along. Now lets take a closer look at how they push along the plot.

First, we will take a look at how the baby sitter pushed along the plot in the scene when the house caught fire. The way the baby sitter was pushing along the plot is she fell asleep before the fire had started and she didn't wake up till the fire had covered the stair case. If the baby sitter had not fallen asleep she could have got the author out of the house before the stairs were cover with fire. The baby sitter did not, but if she would have there would have been less conflict and the mother would not have had to save
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This major character I would like to talk about is hard to find in the story. If you take a close look at the story you can find out how they play a major role. The character I am talking about is the father’s boss. The boss was having the author work on call, so he could get called out anytime day or night. This caused the father loose sleep making him tired and made it hard for him to think correctly. These things allowed the father to put the ash in the box without checking. The boss had help push the plot along to the conflict by putting the father on call.

All of these examples are just some of the ways the minor characters moved the plot along in the story The Leap. Without these characters the plot would have not gotten to the conflict and there would have been no story to tell about. All of these examples of character pushing along the plot show that minor characters are important to story to push along the plots. They may not be major characters, but they do have major