The Life of Perfection Essay

Submitted By Erinh1
Words: 825
Pages: 4

The Life of “Perfection”
Nearly one in every one-hundred people is affected by OCD. Even more are affected by its symptoms. Obsessive Compulsive disorder or OCD is a disorder which involves an obsession with perfection, rules, and organization, which leads to routines and rules for was of doing things. The nearly three point three million people suffering from OCD in the United States can tell you their countless stories of sleepless nights of making sure their alarm clock is set correctly ten, twenty, event one-hundred times before going to bed, along with checking the stove, the door locks, and windows. The people that fear dirt and contamination may repetitively wash their hands so often that their skin becomes raw or breaks down. These sorts of obsessive thoughts and repetitive, compulsive actions are what characterize OCD. These symptoms worsen when stress, illness, and fatigue occur. The definite cause of OCD is not fully understood, although it is said that biology, environment, and insufficient serotonin are the three most common factors. From a biological point of view, OCD may occur due to a change in the body’s natural chemistry or brain functions. One of the brains chemical messengers, serotonin, may contribute to the disorder. In addition, people who take medications that improve the production of serotonin often have fewer symptoms. Some factors that may increase the risk of developing or triggering OCD include: gender, age, family history, traumatic life events, and medical conditions. There is no discrimination to who has OCD. It is found in all ethnic groups, and both men and women are equally struck, although in children OCD is more prevalent in males. In general, phobias, OCD, and anxiety show up early in childhood, but may appear in early teen years. Studies suggest that three to five percent of children and adolescents have some anxiety disorder. These that have a disorder are at great risk of developmental issues, other anxiety disorders, and even substance abuse. Anxiety disorders tend to run in families. Genetic factors, family dynamics and psychological influences play a role in most cases. Several studies show a strong correlation between parents’ fears and their children. Many researchers believe that children “learn” fears and phobias, just by observing a parent or loved one’s reaction to an event. Certain medical conditions have been associated with OCD. They include migraines, mitral valve prolapse, chronic fatigue syndrome, and premenstrual syndrome. There are many complications that stem from OCD. One of the most common is depression, but it is difficult to distinguish and anxiety disorder from depression because either can be accompanied by anxious feelings, agitation, insomnia, and concentration problems. The combination of anxiety and depression is a major risk factor for both substance abuse and suicide. Studies show that up to eighteen percent of people with anxiety disorders attempt suicide and thirty eight percent regularly harbor suicidal thoughts. Severely anxious and depressed people are at high risk for alcoholism, smoking, and other forms of addiction. However, long-term alcohol use itself has been shown to cause biological changes that can actually produce anxiety and depression. OCD will evolve throughout a person’s life. Some will experience times when their OCD disappears or becomes milder. Others