The Lion King And Macbeth Comparison

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Pages: 4

The movie The Lion King and the play Macbeth have many similarities and differences. They are similar in the way the characters interact; they are also similar in the way that their plots are sequenced and their themes throughout the stories. However, there are also many differences throughout the stories. The characters of Duncan and Mufasa are similar, also Simba and Malcolm are similar, and Scar is similar to Macbeth.
One of the ways that the theme of Power is shown in Macbeth is when Macbeth has Macduff’s family killed, When Macbeth says, “I will surprise the castle of Macduff, seize upon Fife, kill everyone” (4.2), he means that he will send the people to have every person in the castle killed. This clearly demonstrates the theme of power
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They are also similar in that they were both murdered by people who believed that they should be king. Mufasa and Duncan were different in that Mufasa believed that the kingdom should be led with power which is shown when he goes to fight the hyenas when they were trying to invade his land, while Duncan believed that people should be able to do some of what they wished to do. These are some of the similarities and differences between Mufasa and Duncan.
In the play, Macbeth is similar to Scar in the movie. They are similar because Macbeth was told that he would be king and he did what was necessary to become. Scar wanted to become king and he did what he thought was necessary to become king. They are different in that they Scar was the brother of the king while Macbeth was just the Thane of Cawdor. They both believed in what they were doing and they both thought that what they were doing was the right thing to do.
Rafiki is similar to the witches in that they both told the fate to the main character. Rafiki told Mufasa that Simba would be king the witches told Macbeth that he would be king. However, they are different in that the Witches told of the fate of Macbeth who was not in the line to be king. Rafiki told of the fate of Simba who was in the line to be king and he also reminded Simba of who he is. These are some of the ways that the witches are similar to