The Mayan Civilization

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Pages: 8

The Mayan civilization is one of the most famous in history of all the Mesoamerican civilizations. The Mayan's influence on future civilizations have been a huge one, with their contribution to mathematics, with the use of their complex numerical system based on the base 20. Their astronomical achievements, such as a calendar and map of the stars still looked at by historians today, even having the calendar cause a slight distress in 2012 and even prompted a major Hollywood film, 2012 directed by Roland Emmerich. So as clearly seen the Mayan's impact not only on future Mesoamerican culture but also our very own culture and civilization has been very great. The Mayans had a very deep and rich culture and very successful civilization that has …show more content…
There the Mayan culture will grow and flourish until the time period of 250 AD and 900 AD, it is during this time period historians will recognize the Mayan empire because of the large scale construction that took place and how many major cities were developed. Historians believe the Mayan civilization was founded by a man named Kukulcan who was a priest and a teacher who led a migration to the Yucatan area. Under Kukulcan's reign the civilization was divided into four tribes controlled by four families, the Cocum, Tutul-xiu, Itz, and Chele. The capital of the Mayan empire was Mayanspan, which is were Kukulcan and his immediate family took residence. The capital of the Mayan empire will remain Mayanspan for centuries until a successful revolt of provincial kings destroy the city. The rule of the empire will then shift as a result of this revolt to the Tutul-xiu family at the major city of Uxmal. Mayanspan will later be rebuilt and once again crowned the capital of the empire but once again revolts will destroy it for good this time and the Mayan civilization monarchy will split into multiple independent states. At time of the Spanish arrival their were eighteen of this independent city states that collectively made up the Mayan …show more content…
Modern Mayan culture still is very prominent in the Yucatan peninsula with more than 350,000 Yukatek Mayan speaking people living there. These people are the direct descendants of the ancient Mayans and hold a very firm connection to their Mayan ways. From the classical hunters, farmers, and trappers the modern Mayans seek more modern lifestyles, working mostly in the tourist businesses that are scattered throughout the Yucatan peninsula and other parts of what would be considered Mesoamerica. Many things do not change through throughout time. In many of these modern Mayan cultures corn is still the staple to their diet, and they still wear many of the same religious outfits and costumes as the generations of Mayans before