The Message Of Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

Words: 263
Pages: 2

“Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.” Kurt Vonnegut wrote in his one of a kind short story “Harrison Bergeron”. As the quote describes, “Harrison Bergeron” is a story where the government has handicapped certain individuals to make everyone in the society equal. Some of the handicaps are not only annoying, but painful and bad for a human’s overall health. In Vonnegut’s poem “Harrison Bergeron,” the main message he is sending to his readers is that equality isn’t always fair. throughout many parts of the poem, Vonnegut's message is shown. For example, there is a scene on lines 81-85 where George, who is one of the main character’s handicap is activated.