The Milgram Experiment In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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The Milgram Experiment was to see if people would do something just because the law enforcement told them to even though it would hurt someone(Wikipedia). In the novel Lord of the Flies a group of schoolboys had crashed onto an undiscovered island, where they went along with whatever the leader of the group said to do. Even though some of the things they did got some of the boys killed(N.p.). Events in the novel Lord of the Flies and behaviors observed in the “Milgram Experiment” show that humans tend to follow any order given to them by the one with most power.
In the novel Lord of the Flies, there was a group of schoolboys who had crashed onto an undiscovered island. They tried to pick a leader, but not everyone agreed to the decision.
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These were the people involved: the person running the experiment, the volunteer, and a confederate pretending to be a volunteer. The subject and the actor would both draw a slip to determine their roles, they both said “teacher” but the actor would say that he got the “learner” guaranteeing that the subject always got the “teacher”. The “teacher” and the “learner” would go into separate rooms, they would communicate but not see each other. The “teacher” would ask the “learner” questions and if it was the wrong answer they would get a shock that would increase by 15 volt at each wrong answer. At some point they would give the “teacher” a sample shock of what the “learner” would feel. The actor would say things like he had a heart condition. They did this experiment to see if the volunteer would shock the other one just because the law enforcement ask them too.(Wikimedia)
Both in the Lord of the Flies and in the “Milgram experiment”, it saws that people will do almost anything that the person in charge told them to do. In the Lord of the Flies Jack’s tribe did what he said to do, like he wanted to kill Ralph and Jack’s tribe tried to kill him. They didn’t get to because they got rescued before they got to Ralph(N.p.). In the “Milgram Experiment” the volunteer would shock the other participant just because the authorities ask them too(Milgram